I am a fully qualified Primary Teacher with 20 years teaching experience. I am DBS checked and passionate about Design & Technology. I was a "normal" Primary school teacher for 10 years during which time I was DT Subject leader and had focused D&T training from an Advanced skills Secondary D&T Teacher.
I have now been running Primary Design & Technology for 10 years and
I love my job!
All my projects have been tried and tested in schools with fantastic feedback.
Last year I worked in over 50 schools across 7 different authorities and supplied materials to many others. Every year I lead very successful CPD sessions for School Improvement Liverpool and Northwest Learning partnership. I also have had the pleasure of inspiring the Warrington Schools Direct trainees and Hope university Education students by leading their training and support for D&T. Last year I was a consultant on some of the BBC bitesize clips for D&T which you can find on the BBC website now.