On day 2 (Monday), we wanted to find out more about our family, things you don't normally ask in the fast pace of life. So with this opportunity to slow down we set to work on questions to ask them. (writing focus)

My boy, Arley (7yrs) wrote questions for the family to answer like...
What is your favourite colour/ animal/ author/ song?
He will make little fact files for the family members as he facetimes them over the week. (His teacher will be pleased we remembered our question marks especially after her comment at parents evening!)

My girl, Autumn (9yrs) wrote emails to family (getting the computing and literacy in one hit … go me!) to ask them about their childhood, favourite things, where they have lived and gather dates of birth for her family tree. Grandad responded quickly... go Grandad!
Remarkably they lasted the afternoon without asking for a snack! But no sooner had they finished the words what's for tea came out their mouths! With the imaginary sound of the school bell they hopped in their imaginary car and drove home from school LOL! (They really did)